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BRCC Presents: Lucas O’Hara of Grizzly Forge

For those unfamiliar with Grizzly Forge, we highly recommend checking it out. Be sure to look at our sister site, Coffee or Die Magazine, and its piece on Lucas O’Hara. But for the Cliffs Notes, read on.

Grizzly Forge owner and founder, Lucas O’Hara, was born and raised in Georgia. As soon as he was old enough, he joined the Army. After eight years of service, he decided that he would continue serving overseas through contracting. Once he got stateside again, he was trying to find his own path in the civilian world. He tried a blacksmithing class at a local forge, Goat n Hammer, and by the end of the class, he had fallen in love.

For O’Hara, forging knives is more than just a job; it’s an outlet, and something he is more than passionate about. When forging a new bushcraft knife, he ensures the knife is beautiful, yet durable, tough, and can be used in the outdoors. He continues to challenge himself with unique knife designs, and forging new pieces for his clientele.

O’Hara is an artist as much as he's a craftsman. He puts his heart into his work like none other, and we're proud to call him a friend.

Like the man said, put that phone down. Find that thing in your life that helps you re-center, disconnect from the fiasco that is the internet, and engage in something meaningful.

Hey, club members! Did you know we have a Grizzly Forge Bag Opener for y'all? Made by the man himself. Check it:

If you're not a club member (YET), sign up here:

Keep up with Lucas' adventures here:


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